Dry Eye SPEED Questionnaire

Dry Eye Management

Dry Eye Syndrome

Let’s talk about a common but often underestimated issue – dry eye syndrome. It’s more than just occasional discomfort; it’s a condition where your eyes might feel gritty, red, or even overly teary (yes, paradoxically!). When your eyes don’t produce enough tears or when those tears lack the right balance, it can impact your vision and overall eye health.

Now, here’s the thing: it’s not just about the discomfort. Dry eyes can affect your daily life, making tasks like reading, working on a computer, or just enjoying a sunny day a bit challenging. The good news? There are plenty of options to treat this condition.

Dry Eye Self-test

Are you a good candidate for dry eye treatment? Take our self-test and find out!


Dry Eye Disease is a common reason for patients to visit eye doctors. Please take a moment to thoughtfully complete this questionnaire.

Report the SYMPTOMS you experience and when they occur:

Symptoms Today Within Past 72 Hours Within Past 3 Months
Dryness, Grittiness or Scratchiness
Soreness or Irritation
Burning or Watering
Eye Fatigue

Report the FREQUENCY of your symptoms using the rating list below:
(0 = Never, 1 = Sometimes, 2 = Often, 3 = Constant)

Dryness, Grittiness, or Scratchiness

Soreness or Irritation

Burning or Watering

Eye Fatigue

Report the SEVERITY of your symptoms using the rating list below:
(0 = No Problems, 1 = Tolerable, 2 = Uncomfortable, 3 = Bothersome, 4 = Intolerable)

Dryness, Grittiness or Scratchiness

Soreness or Irritation

Burning or Watering

Eye Fatigue

Do you use eye drops for lubrication? If yes, how often?

Thank you for completing the SPEED Questionnaire!
This assessment is your first step toward finding relief from dry eye.

Your Score:

If your score is:
0-4 you are experiencing MILD dry eye symptoms
5-7 you are experiencing MODERATE dry eye symptoms
8+ you are experiencing SEVERE dry eye symptoms

The SPEED Questionnaire is one tool we use to help assess your dry eye symptoms. No matter what you scored on the quiz, we take your overall eye health very seriously. Please complete the information below and our office will contact you to schedule a dry eye evaluation.

Would you like our practice to contact you to schedule a dry eye evaluation?

Would you be interested in receiving information about dry eye treatment, dry eye prevention and more?

Effective Dry Eye Treatment

We’ve got an arsenal of treatments ready to help. From trusty artificial tears and warm compresses to more advanced options like TearCare, the goal is to keep your eyes hydrated and happy. We’re here to create a personalized treatment plan that will help get you smiling again.


TearCare is a unique software-controlled, wearable technology that provides targeted and adjustable heat to the eyelids. It helps to open and clear the oil-producing Meibomian glands, which promotes a healthier tear film. This leads to improved tear stability and reduced evaporation, allowing patients to commonly experience a significant reduction in the discomfort associated with dry eyes.

Call Our Office to Learn Which Treatment is Right For You! (858) 283-3600